The Honey Don’t List by Christina Lauren is an absolute DO! I flew through this book in record time.
I have powered through a LOT of the Christina Lauren books. Their characters are likable, the female characters are strong gals you’d like to be friends with in real life (if you don’t already know someone JUST like the character IRL) and the books are in that sweet spot between Hallmark-ish books with no funny business and 50 Shades books where I’d be a bit nervous for my kiddos to open on my nightstand. No shame in either end of the romance spectrum. I like ’em all.

The Honey Don’t List is a liiiiiitle different from their most recent books. This felt a bit deeper to me. A little more women’s fiction than romance. Meet Carey, our main gal. Dynamo design skills. Chained to her job. Her employers, the Tripp’s, are pseudo parents to her. Complicated? Clearly. The Tripp’s have a zillion-dollar design empire and their heads are above water solely because of Carey. Interestingly, you’d swear you are reading about Ship and Loanna Haines (wink, wink) without the dramedy. I’m a total fangirl of hers. Enter James, the hot nerd who drives Carey crazy and inadvertently makes her feel not good enough.
A job assignment shakes things up in so many ways and you, too, will fly through this novel.

I love when authors throw in information about a disease or disorder or illness I have no idea about. I love learning about this stuff! Carey has dystonia (I had no idea what that was until this book) and what an incredible way to help educate people about this disease who have no personal connection to it. Learn more about dystonia here.

One of the things I love about the Christina Lauren duo is that they are witty! They mention the bus scene from Speed (truly epic), call bad casseroles ‘disasteroles,’ (bah ha ha, why didn’t I think of that?!) and Laramie, Wyoming. Do you ever feel like every book is based in one of three spots: 1) NYC, 2) England or 3) LA? No, just me? Moving on. I love that these gals picked a toooooootally different setting and – winner winner chicken dinner – I’ve been there!

I think my fave Christina Lauren book so far is The Unhoneymooners!