This might be the year that every friend of mine has the same New Year’s Eve plans as their kiddos – zilch. 😉 I get my mental hype for holidays through books and decorating the house. Anyone else struggle with that odd slug of what to do with all that white space after you take the holiday stuff down but it’s too early for Valentine’s Day smatterings? I rounded up a handful of books leading up to New Year’s Eve (stay tuned). Today we explore a sparking cider-sized mystery with Who Stole New Year’s Eve by Martha Freeman. And it’s a JOY!
What I Love
There is so much to love about this middle grade book. Let’s shake it down:
- Alex and Yasmeen are our main characters and best friends. I love when middle grade books include boy/girl friendships.
- Yasmeen’s family is from Trinidad. Love the diversity here.
- Alex, Yasmeen and two other characters really take initiative with plans, getting out of the house, getting together. Am I projecting issues from my own home here? Perhaps. Go with it.
- One of the sub-plots is about fracking and alternative energy. Don’t let the cutey illustration on the front cover sway you. There is some big issue biz here.
- Alex’s mom is the town police detective; his dad stays at home and has just started his own pie-making company. Love the switcheroo in traditional gender roles.
- Alex is legit fuh-nee! What I wouldn’t give to hear the audiobook because I’m certain I’d donkey laugh and slap my knee like an old lady. I might even dare to say this book is a ‘hoot.’
- This book just barely dips a toe in the boys-liking-girls waters. Barely. If I had kiddo who were into that scene, I probably wouldn’t be so sensitive to this. I just don’t want my big two to think they have to like kids at a certain age because their peers do. Or because it’s part of so. many. book. plots.
The Deets
Eve moves to Chickadee Court (ala home to Alex and Yasmeen and Sophie) from California. As the newbie in town, Eve is eager to make friends with her neighbors. Add in her upcoming New Year’s Eve birthday and she’s more than hopeful to make some connections with her neighbor buddies. The town’s Ice Festival is due to start soon, which features ice sculptures at many of the town hot spots. Eve gets a surprise from her uncle – her very own ice sculpture for her front yard.
However, one minute it’s there and the next it’s gone. Who stole Eve’s personalized ice sculpture and all of the other 18 ice sculptures around town? Alex offers his junior detective skills to crack the case. If he’s successful, the Ice Festival might be saved as well.
Martha Freeman has a whole series (who knew?!) and I plan to grab them all. Think of this as a more developed, brainier version of the Calendar Mysteries series. Which I like. Don’t get me wrong. But Who Stole New Year’s Eve? is just extra extra. Loved it!