Honey Girl

Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers will take you on an emotional journey of being comfortable in your skin, finding your friend-family, the difference between getting away and running away and taking a second to breathe.

What I expected…

Grace Porter just got her PhD in Astronomy (holy smokes!) and jets off with her pals to Vegas for a celebration weekend. She doesn’t expect to wind up married to a stranger. Who was in her bed. But isn’t now. The stranger-wife simply leaves a card as a breadcrumb to find her if Grace wants.

I expected this to be a romcom. A should-she-pursue-the-marriage-or-not novel.

It wasn’t. I liked this book, but I did a little bit of head-switching once I got into the first few chapters.

Maybe I should read the descriptions of books a bit more before purchasing, huh? 😂

What we get here

Grace has been a student for 11 years. She’s no slouch. She’s got an incredible mentor. Her sights are set high. She’s ready to make some moves.

But here’s the deal. When you’ve been hustling like that for so long, and it feels good to reach that goal, it’s a little jarring to get to that mountain-top. What’s next? Is this really what I want? What you’ve known as ‘normal’ is shifting…and that’s good. But it’s still a shift.

Grace is out to her friends but not entirely to her dad and step-mom. So there’s that. Especially when you just married a girl and leave Portland for NYC to see if there’s anything to this quickie Vegas marriage afterall.

Fave quotes

“I feel like If I stop, I’ll miss my chance. I have to plan it all now, or I’ll lose the opportunity I had. I won’t have a second chance at getting this right.”

“It will not be simple, Grace Porter, and it will not be easy. You have to make a lot of noise, and the universe’s silence can be oppressive and thick. But you want them to hear you, and they will. So do not, not even for one second, stop making noise.”

“You give other people too much credit, okay? Everyone’s just pretending they have it together, because they don’t realize everyone else is pretending to have it together. None of our dumbasses actually have it together. Maybe people with generational wealth and access to resources that allow them to prosper in the middle to upper class? But that’s it. Just them.”

“It’s so hard to let go of wanting to please him. Being angry at his unattainable expectations is so much easier than accepting that the only ones I have to meet are my own.”

* This book is so perfect for my fellow-people pleasers, my fellow-Type A peeps, anyone who’s worked SO hard at something only to achieve it and wonder ‘well, hell, what now?!’ 😂