I am an unashamed Halloween and Fall season nut. I have no shame in putting up fall decorations on Labor Day. Some people’s “thing” is Christmas. Mine is Halloween. Pure joy, everyone is in a good mood, no pressure to buy the right gift, no hurt feelings because you’re with one side of the family instead of the other. It’s a dream, and I am here for it!
Starbucks announced they are bringing back their famed pumpkin spiced lattes later this month. If you’re not a PSL lover or don’t get into the fall season festivities this early, hear me out. There’s been so much sadness riding shotgun with this pandemic. The start of school – whatever that looks like in your neck of the woods – feels like it’s still a tricky and political adventure. The way I see it, this is something I get to look forward to. A little rainbow in the world of thunderstorms, amirite?!

Trick or Treat On My Street by J.L. Coppage, is a sweet little board book with easy-to-navigate tabs for chubby baby hands learning the skill of turning pages. Nothing spooky about this gem. Dig in!

Trunk or Treat by Michelle Medlock Adams, is exactly what I was looking for! Trunk or Treats are the berries! No doors to knock on, no animals to be frightened of, done in an hour (or less) and such a fun excuse to wear a Halloween costume beyond the big day. This board book gave me some good decoration ideas for our church’s trunk or treat event this year.

P is for Pumpkin by Kathy-Jo Wargin has the dreamiest illustrations! Each page is cover page-worthy! This makes me look forward to apple picking and raking leaves and candy corn! I had Hamm practice the letter sounds before I read each page’s letter (and corresponding fall word/phrase). Alphabet work for today – done!