Get your first 2021 beach read Shipped to your door! See what I did there? 😉 Shipped by Angie Hockman is the perfect amount of sizzle, work drama and independent girl boss to keep you crushing chapters well beyond when you wanted to hit the hay! My kind of book. Let’s dive in!
The Passengers
Henley Evans has a plan to keep moving up the corporate ladder at Seattle-based Seaquest Adventures. Marketing manager now, hopeful Marketing Director later (meaning, very soon). She’s working on her MBA on top of putting in serious OT at work. Saying our protagonist is busy is an understatement. So while she works for a travel company, her footprint doesn’t deviate too far from the scheudle.
“I had high hopes of seeing the world. Then life happened. Career ambitions. Grad school. Student loans. The vague, persistent headache that is adulting.”
Social media manager Graeme Crawford-Collins also works for Seaquest Adventures, but remotely in Michigan. His one word email replies, his job-well-done-but-not-as-scheduled social media posts and his consistent refusal to turn the video function on for meetings aggravate the business out of Henley. These two have to work together, but Henley doesn’t have to like it.
The Layover
Seaquest needs a new Marketing Director and lo-and-behold, both Henley and Graeme are interested. Their mutual boss asks them to take a cruise to the Galapagos from the passengers’ perspective and create a new marketing plan. The individual with the best plan will win the Marketing Director role.
Here we have Henley who would rather work on her presentation in the office where she can run numbers and just get the job done. And we also have the fact that Henley and Graeme have never met in person. Annnnd, add to the mix that this is a dream destination for anyone (me!!!), but it’s still a working vacation.
Henley wants to stay under the radar, check enough boxes to appear like she got the full experience while working in her room most of the time. And stay away from work-enemy Graeme.
Fate has other plans. And maybe what Henley thinks of Graeme isn’t accurate after all…
The Pilot Has Some Announcements
One of the best lines from this novel!
About Henley’s sister: “…she’s flakier than a Hot Pocket. Looking for a life-of-the-party, one-person fun machine to go to Vegas for the weekend? Walsh is your girl. Need a ride to the accountant’s office to file your tax returns? She’ll show up, but a half hour late and out of gas.” HILARIOUS!
I post-it-noted so. many. pages in this book because Angie Hockman seems like my older sister is writing this novel. Like, legit laugh. out. LOUD.
The Final Destination
Shipped is that kind of beach read where you’re not embarrassed to have it in sight (no ripped bodices or barely clad man-candy), it’s real enough that you can insert yourself in the situation, the characters are totally likeable and the work situation is probably something a lot of readers would nod their heads with. Beach read dream material here, folks!
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