Tiny Dancer and I read/listened to Ban This Book by Alan Gratz together and LOVED it! We flew through this book at a record speed and we were both finding ourselves looking forward to re-starting each night after the littles went to bed. She has the multitasking skills of a total boss. I do not. I listened along while I read along to the book in front of me. Tiny Dancer took selfies (of course), played an iPad game and so on. One day she can teach me how she does it.
I stumbled upon this book after purchasing something else on Amazon and you see the ‘you might like’ section on your order confirmation page. I’m a sucker for a good illustration, so in the cart it went.

Amy Anne is a voracious book reader (I feel you). Her younger siblings annoy the bananas out of her (Tiny Dancer nods head). Some of Amy Anne’s fave books start to disappear from the library for having questionable content. The book follows this sweet girl as she learns to advocate for something she believes in and finds the confidence to speak her peace. She finds connections with students she hadn’t previously which felt like such an on-point, timely lesson for Tiny Dancer as she heads into 5th grade. Friendship circles can and should continue to grow.
An added bonus: the chapters aren’t super long. Tell me you also don’t cry a tear on the inside when you scan ahead to see when the chapter ends and it feels like a quarter of the book. Woof. Huge win for Ban This Book!