Hi, friends and fellow book lovers! Thanks for popping by to my neck of the world!
I’m Kelly. Mama to four darlings. Wifey to a handsome smarty pants. Bookshelf over-stuffer. Library loan over-requester. I’m doing my best to continue growing my brain by reading every day and instilling a love of books in my smalls – all who happen to be in four very different chapters of life and reading. I have always had a deep love of books and thankfully I’m surrounded by family members who share the same joy in reading. When I’m not mom-ing or reading, I’m raiding my kids’ treat bucket, running, doing life with my insanely good group of gal pals, baking or trying not to kill the garden.
Our highlights:
- 2009 – Married My Guy and moved from downtown Chicago to Ohio
- 2010 – Tiny Dancer was born
- 2011 – Moved to Wisconsin
- 2012 – Blue was born
- 2013 – Moved to suburbs of Chicago – my old stopmpin ground
- 2016 – Motor was born
- 2019 – Hope was born and joined our family through adoption
* I changed real names.
A little bit about my crew:

My Guy is a news junkie. Not so much into books. He’s a whiz at Sudoku and crosswords. A true night owl with a slight serious addiction to caffeine. He loves an Alaskan gold mining or bush-living reality show. He is great at all sports and can fix everything. I’m a lucky gal.

Tiny Dancer. 10 going on 19. Dance, crafts, reading, gal pals, soccer, volleyball and Hamilton are her jam. She is my mini me. She will read anything (yasss). Busy trying to not get her a phone and also keep her off of social media.

Blue. 8. He and his brother have one speed: GO. Football, playing with friends, legos and science get this guy’s motor going. He was diagnosed with a variety of interesting things, including dyslexia, dysgraphia and ADHD. I love learning about this kid’s brain!

Motor! 4. Loves building, crafts, preschool, scooters, cars and space. He is always up for a read aloud and a trip to the library. This kiddo loves women – especially his speech therapy teachers. He is usually shirtless.

Hope. Oh, Hope. This sweat pea adores books and being read to. She loves making a mess, tubs, peaches, her brothers and sister, peek-a-boo and being chased. Dislikes getting her hair done and not getting her way. She is such a gift and we are insanely lucky to be chosen as her forever family. Insert happy sobbing.